amount 1amount n. 総計; 数, 量, 額. 【動詞+】 I added the same amount to each plate. それぞれの皿に同じ量を付け加えた Any amount, however small, will be appreciated. どんなに少なくとも金額の多少にかかわらずありがたくお受けします How do they c
amount to {1} : 合計{ごうけい}~になる、総計{そうけい}で~に達する The pass rate of the exam amounted to 51 percent. その試験の合格率は51%にものぼった。 The bill amounts to $__. その請求書の合計金額は_ドルになっている。 -----------------------------------------------
in amount {1} : 総計{そうけい}で、トータルで(in total) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {2} : 結局{けっきょく}(のところ)
this is because , although an additional amount of money corresponding to the traveling distance is added to fares on the regular railway line to the west of shimonoseki , operated by jr kyushu , such an amount of money is not added on the shinkansen line operated by jr west . JR九州管内となる下関以西の在来線では乗車距離に応じた加算額が課されるのに対し、JR西日本管轄の新幹線ではそれがないため。
considering the amount of contained silver , 25% of the stated price was a proper additional amount , but the reason why this agreement was made was that the tsushima domain received a report from the korean side in which they found out the percentage of silver content did not meet the defined amount after their analysis of the grade . 含有銀量で換算すれば2割5分増しであるが、これは元禄銀の品位を分析した結果、含有率が規定量に満たないなどの申し出が朝鮮側からあったなどのやり取りによるものであった。
moreover , they offered to transfer the technique to japan , which would allow japan to obtain the modern printing technique; therefore the japanese government ordered nine kinds of bills in october 1870 , of which the total amount was worth 50 ,000 ,000 yen (later on they ordered an additional amount of 53 ,530 ,000 yen ). そのうえ技術移転を日本にしてもいいとの条件もあったことから、日本政府は近代的印刷技術も獲得できることもあり1870年(明治3年)10月に9券種、額面5000万円分(後に5353万円分を追加発注)の発注を行った。
among buke , the so family , the lord family of the tsushima domain was ranked as hakushaku because the family had been in charge of diplomacy with joseon dynasty (korea ); the matsuura family , the lord family of the hirado domain was also ranked as hakushaku for the additional amount of rice crops of its branch families , which should not have been included originally . また、武家のうち対馬藩主宗家は李氏朝鮮外交の担当者であることが考慮され、平戸藩主松浦氏は本来は算入されない分家の所領も計算に入れた上で伯爵とされた。